
Roaming the Realms - Tordale
With 'Roaming the Realms', I want to invite authors to talk about their worlds on my blog - see it as a tourist brochure for a world we...

Building your world: making maps
Are you also one of those people who have a poster of Middle Earth at home and can stare at it for hours? And you want to make one...

Building your world: city locations
This is probably the most important feature of a fantasy map, or at least to the people who are supposed to live in your world: where are...

Building your world: coasts
Topic of today: coasts! Location: where land meets the sea. Description: from cliff coasts to sandy shores. Sometimes featuring hot surfer d

Building your world: dunes
It has been ages since my last worldbuilding post. Sorry about that, these things take more time than I expected. Let's get ready for...

Building your world: glaciers
This is the first topic of my worldbuilding posts. I'll start with a general introduction about the feature - not too detailed though,...

Building your world: naming cities
Sorry for the lack of blog posts: I am too busy with my own projects at the moment. Very selfish, I know. I am working a blog series...

There and back again
It has been rather quiet here, so time to show you guys I am still alive. I've been to Australia and New Zealand. Absolutely wonderful...