Happy eat-lots-of-chocolate day - I mean, happy Valentine's Day! Not that I normally think much about this day. After all, you have to celebrate love all year round. But I do have a story from the world of Stardark/Sterrenduister with a romantic vibe. And I want to share it with you!
The book describes how Isra and Haider meet. And the two don't have a good start... I mention this briefly in the book, but the scene wouldn't leave me alone. I wanted to know more. Why is Isra angry? How will Haider make it up? I wrote this down, initially just for myself. The story is written from Haider's point of view, as if he used his diary to keep an important memory safe.
Normally you can only read this diary if you go on a search: it is hidden on the site as part of my treasure hunt. But now you can enjoy this short story the easy way! (It won't help you find the treasure, though. All hints have been removed.)
Do you have to know Stardark/Sterrenduister to enjoy this story? No. Just keep in mind that Haider has issues with his memory. It's the reason the guy even has diaries.
Do you want to read it? Great! It's available in English and Dutch.
And don't forget Fantasy Fest Rijswijk! It will be my first festival as an author! Will I see you there?
